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About Epsi

  • Birthday 01/13/1994

Personal Information

  • Career
    Sound student, TV and cinema stuff
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  • Occupation
    Sound student, TV and cinema stuff

Epsi's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I'm looking for a cool Zangoose with Toxic Boost in Hoenn. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello, i saw that you've sold a Zangoose quite recently, can you tell me if you find another one with Toxic boost please ? Thanks in advance. What would be your price for a decent one ? Nvm ... sorry for wasting your time, idk how i ended on the BLUE forum instead of RED, meh.
  3. Updated since i got a Lotad, his IVs are really poor tho, with a <10 average so if you have a descent one feel free to mp mp.
  4. Welcome to PRO, have fun !
  5. Hello everyone, I would like to buy a Modest Lotad (swift swim), a Jolly Nincada (regular ability) and an Adamant Ralts (male). All of them should be from Johto. I do not request the highest IVs, average ones are perfectly fine. If you're interested, just tell me here or in game @Epsi, so we can discuss prices Bye ! o/ :thanks:
  6. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <r><QUOTE author="leandruskis"><s> </e></QUOTE> Of course it must be super long to do. If you ever start doing it, i suggest to use a google document so other members can help if they want to!</r>
  7. It's offline for now, just be patient until it comes back online. :)
  8. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <t>This is insane, good job.<br/> I'm not a fan of huge list hidden in spoilers because you need to open them all to do several Ctrl+F searches everytime you load the page but i guess it's the best we can do. :v <br/> I would LOVE an Excel doc with all in it. :o<br/> <br/> Anyway, thanks a lot!</t>
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Reward !!!!] <t>This is very useful, thx. o></t>
  10. Hello Loomish, welcome ! Have fun ! o/
  11. Enjoying Pokemon is high enough in my cool list, you're cool. :p Welcome to PRO, have fun ! o/
  12. You have to uninstall your PRO then install again :) I did that but is still not working u.u Just re-redowload PRO from the website, a new version is avaible since 29th December. Being out of date means that you need to update 'coz your game version is different from the server version. He said he's having the "can't connect to the server" message, not "the server is currently full" one, wich is different. Anyway, i would like to know where does this error come from ? Is it cient-sided or server-sided?
  13. That's some next level enthusiasm right here. Welcome to PRO! o/
  14. The fact that it is absurd actually makes all the fun ! It is like a caricature of classic shonen (who said Dragon Ball ?), with very good animation and fights, and way more fun than most mainstream shonen Do you know when will the season 2 come out? IIRC, it's most likely to be next year.
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