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About Omnisayko

  • Birthday 05/29/1994

Personal Information

  • Career
    Brazilian Navy
  • Occupation
    Brazilian Navy

Omnisayko's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Wts shiny epic swablu for red cash / ms . <r><QUOTE author="lilycove"><s> </e></QUOTE> My friend wants red stuff cause his main acc is in red</r>
  2. Re: Aymanex15 shop ( auctioning epic h.a talonflame ) <t>Nice shop</t>
  3. There is one easy way to be rich here is to spend money buying coins
  4. No problem 275k weavile Got bo, 24 hours
  5. 120k for kingdra Sold, I'll add you in game as "Imashe"
  6. Starting bid 275k sir, sorry :Grin:
  7. Weavile, Dusknoir and Kingdra added!
  8. I'm using a Starmie exactly like that, thank's for your time and i appreciate a lot your help. Starmie fits perfectly on this team and the team is now flowing as i want
  9. Togekiss sold ingame
  10. Re: good iv pokes <r>Togekiss and Dragonite pvp ready pokes added!! <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  11. it's a good option too.. i was thinking about electrivire and starmie
  12. i was waiting for this answer, thanks sir starmie was in my mind before i do this post, thank you!!
  13. PRO Username: Omnisayko Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Dislogged What have you already tried to solve the problem? Nothing Description and Message i can't login my account because it says the account is already logged in i enttered in my friend account and checked.. i'm not online
  14. why snorlax? what moveset and evs?
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