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Everything posted by Ryotajr

  1. Re: Adamant Metagross 31 speed fully trained on auction! <r><QUOTE author="Zelsh"><s> </e></QUOTE> Current offer.</r>
  2. [highlight=yellow]Current BO: 900k by Zeish, in game.[/highlight]
  3. Epic Adamant 31 speed Beldum:
  4. Re: Auctionning EPIC Adamant 31 speed Beldum <t>Changed topic for Auction.</t>
  5. Re: EPIC Adamant 31 speed Beldum for sale <t>Bump.</t>
  6. Re: EPIC Adamant 31 speed Beldum for sale <t>Bumping.</t>
  7. nothing to be shown.
  8. man i see you write sold, but still not received one contact from your side ....... when can we make tha trade? If you have a brain you would actually know that the main reason that I put "Sold" is for people to not bid more for this kind of pokemon, for your sake.
  9. You're the current BO. Looking for more for this pokemon.
  10. Yes I know, let me finish hoenn and we can trade.
  11. Hello, you are only allowed to have 5 pokemon at a time in order for it to remain in the Selling category. More than that and it is a personal shop. Your post has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum and renamed. Feel free to rename it again. Happy selling. Hello sir, sorry I didn't know about this. Now that I know, next time Ill know what to do.
  12. Re: Good-Epic charmanders/Growlithes for sale! <t>Bumping for more Bids.</t>
  13. Re: Good-Epic charmanders/Growlithes for sale! <r><QUOTE author="boo111"><s> </e></QUOTE> Current BO.</r>
  14. Re: Good-Epic charmanders/Growlithes for sale! <r><QUOTE author="Zane720"><s> </e></QUOTE> Current offer, bid ends in 24 hours</r>
  15. Re: Good-Epic charmanders/Growlithes for sale! <r><QUOTE author="RyotaJR"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  16. Re: Good-Epic charmanders/Growlithes for sale! <r><QUOTE author="KingRoyal"><s> </e></QUOTE> Current BO from KingRoyal.</r>
  17. Re: Good-Epic charmanders/Growlithes for sale! <t>Bumping</t>
  18. Epic Adamant 31 speed Beldum: Charmanders: https://prntscr.com/bsmko1 https://prntscr.com/bsmkxk (50k by Lorxx)[glow=red](SOLD)[/glow] https://prntscr.com/bsml4o (40k by miolamayuki) https://prntscr.com/bsmlb2 https://prntscr.com/bsmlg0 Growlithes: https://prntscr.com/bsmmyh https://prntscr.com/bsmn4h https://prntscr.com/bsmnwj (100k by boo111) [glow=red](SOLD)[/glow]
  19. Selling it at 300k
  20. Auction will end when these are met: (S)Karp = 300k ; (S)Stantler = 350k ; (S)9tails = 350k.
  21. (S)Magicarp, (S)Stantler & (S)9tails for sale, please post your offers.
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