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About Ninjaloader

  • Birthday 09/05/1992

Ninjaloader's Achievements



  1. Primary text: You've been warned! Secondary text: Main Image: Shedinja Color Background: Black and Brown Dimensions: 300 x 150 or whatever is best Others: maybe smoke?
  2. Aww... My signature didn't show up. T.T I want my signature to show... Oh well. :Ambivalent:
  3. Thank you all! I really appreciated! :Shy:
  4. I`ve recently join yesterday, but I've been playing Pokémon since I was 5 (I think). I'm now 23yrs old and still love Pokémon! I saw this game when I want to find an online Pokémon game for android tablet, and this came up. I'm so glad I found it. Otherwise, I will be bored of playing Pokémon on an emulator (favorite: Emerald Version). I'm looking forward to meeting you all! :Smile:
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