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  1. S.O 200k min bid 50k ends in 48 hours after first bid Discord: Chronyc#4526 Ign: Chronyk
  2. (SOLD) Discord: Chronyc#4526 Ign: Chronyk
  3. (SOLD) S.O 300k min bid 50k ends in 48 hours after first bid Discord: Chronyc#4526 Ign: Chronyk
  4. Re: WTS epic Ttar all 20s <t>1m here</t>
  5. WTB epic Garchomp jolly/rough skin PM me here or message me in game: "Chronyk"
  6. WTB Good IV ADAMANT H.A Dragonite Message me with link and price or pm me in game (IGN: Chronyk)
  7. Re: Origin guild -TOP 3- (Blue,Red and Yellow servers) recruiting active players! <t>Hello, I've wanted to join a guild with a nice environment and active players such as myself. <br/> IGN: Chronyk<br/> 283 hrs played<br/> My favorite Pokémon has to be Charizard, very common favorite I know, but it was my first love and always will be. Design is classic yet great plus what's not to love about Chari?<br/> Yes, I am able to join discord. My discord name is cadillac#4526 (all lower-case)<br/> I believe I would be a great addition to the guild due to the fact I play everyday and once accepted, am willing to help the guild in any way I can. Have finished Sinnoh, have pvp lineup.<br/> Plus Nor is da best :)<br/> (Speak English and Tagalog)<br/> (Blue Server)</t>
  8. How much for the Dragonite?
  9. Want to buy good IV Adamant beldum / metang / metagross. Price range up to 715k Reply to me here or PM in game.
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