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About Colchanzero

  • Birthday 05/17/1994

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  1. Can I offer the 3m insta for that Chansey?
  2. Re: Shiny Tauros and Swinub with decent natures & IVs <t>I would like to offer the 2m insta on swinub.</t>
  3. Hello guys! Potato again, and this time posting on the right server thread. I'm looking for a shiny female from the cleffa line. Decent nature and IVs don't really matter. I can offer up to 2 m for one if anyone is willing to offer me. Can be cleffa, clefairy or clefable. honestly It doesn't matter to me. My ign is colchanzero and anyone can pm me in game if they're interested. Thanks so much for reading and have a wonderful day! :thanks:
  4. Is the meowth still available? If so I would like to place the sb of 100k.
  5. No thanks. This shiny chansey should be around 6-8m. Alright. thanks for letting me know! Good luck selling her!
  6. im willing to offer 500k for that shiny arcanine.
  7. Interested in the shiny chansey that you have. Is 300k alright for her?
  8. 300k for shiny crobat?
  9. If that Shiny Golbat is still available I'll offer 30 k for it.
  10. Ahhhh thank you so much for letting me know! I wasn't sure if it was allowed or not so yeah. Thanks for the heads up!
  11. Hello everyone! My name is Potato, and I am a newbie to PRO and everything. I wanted to ask... Is anyone willing to help a newbie out? I'm looking for a nicknamed (if possible) shiny female Clefairy to continue the main game with. I don't really have much in game money, and for that I apologize. I'm not sure what I can offer besides actual RL money and I don't know if that's allowed on here (Please forgive me if it's not!!!). Thank you all so much for helping me out or just reading this. I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful day and I hope to hear from you all soon!
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