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Everything posted by Lunarpkmn

  1. Hi there, welcome! One tip i'd give you is to not evolve pokes for a while, they level up quicker. But it's your choice :P Hope you're having fun ^^
  2. Regions up to sinnoh have been released: Kanto, johto, hoenn and sinnnoh. Welcome back, hope you enjoy it as much as i have been enjoying it :)
  3. Nice dude, keep it up ^^
  4. As Neroli said, ask in trade chat if you can buy tm thunder, if not then i don't know what else can help you..
  5. Maybe you didn't learn it by accident or it isn't scripted in. Try the move relearner though :) Hope this helps ^^
  6. Will do Haxorussss, thanks :Smile:
  7. Thanks guys, i just started to play yesterday, didn't get far :P Loving this game already though! Looks beautiful :D
  8. Those look great dude! Very talented!
  9. I noticed you posted on my introduction, so i decided to return the favour ^^ Hey :D
  10. Hey Shaui, hey dappar :D We can be newbie friends <3
  11. Thanks Neroli for the information! I'll be sure to check this out :)
  12. Hi there, my name's Lunar, i'm new to this game. I've not began my adventure yet as i'd like to introduce myself here first. I love Pokemon, i've played it for so long! I like to design stuff, such as maps, GFX etc. I'm going to be starting this game soon, on Yellow server as it seems to be the least populated (gotta get that good ping!). I can't wait to see all of you in game, this community seems nice!
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