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Sheen987sean's Achievements



  1. Sell 14cc each 450k Sell 2x 15d MS each 250k pm me ingame or read me here Sheen987Sean
  2. 1x Damp Rock - 50K each 1x Icy Rock - 50K each 2x Dragon Fang - 10K each 1x Scope Lens - 50K each 1x Wide Lens - 50K each 1x Smooth Rock - 50K each 1 Magnet - 5K each add me ingame Sheen987sean
  3. Hey guys , I have put together a team with which I am active in the PVP but are not yet completely satisfied. I hope someone helps me and can tell me what I could change to improve it is grateful for any advice. Thanks in advance .
  4. How much for Guarde ?
  5. 5 cc ? LOL? say how much i pay
  6. yes i can accepte cc but depend how many. 5 cc ?
  7. 2) Gardevoir timid epic ivs Can i pay you in CC when yes how much?
  8. Halo people, I am looking for a few PKM send me the offers best here. Malamar, Wailord, and Blissey
  9. Hi, I am looking for a guild on the red server preferably German-speaking. I am very active and I am at the end of the hoeen region.
  10. All sold :)
  11. Sell 9 Coin Capsule . Every 450k Write me Ingame sheen987sean
  12. Hello everybody , My name is Sean and I live in Austria. I'm new here and can play my childhood Pokemon Online <3 Thank you for reading . I am looking for German speakers (Red Server )
  13. Hello i can give you 5 Capsule . Read me ingame sheen987sean
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