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  1. Ok... i'm stupid. Thanks :)
  2. Yes I know, it's where I am. But the policemen didn't disappear and say that I'm not ready
  3. Hi guys, I'm having an issue in johto. I have all 16 badges, and the policemen in the reception gate wont let me go to mount Silver. Am i missing something or is it a bug ?
  4. Yes there is a server trouble so we should all be patient.
  5. On the Rule30 account ? Then why can't I click them ? With mouse or keybind it doesn't work. :o (Thanks by the way ^^)
  6. Sorry for the spam, but I really need to know if I have to buy another mount or not ^^
  7. Wait, like I have 2 account on my email address, and the mount is available only on one of them but the image appears on both ?
  8. Yes, I was on the wrong server. But I restarted on the red one, where there is still my game, but I still can't use my mount.
  9. Hi guys. Sorry if it's a common question, I couldn't find it with search... So, I just reconnected in PRO. My account is resets, for I didn't play for a long time. Before I stopped play, I had a Lapras and Houndoom mounts. Right now I still have the images in my left bottom corner. But I can't click on them. So do I still have them or not ? Thanks.
  10. Hi guys, think i just found a bug (didnt find in on the report list, so). I'm in route47, in water. When i go under this bridge and a wild pokemon appears, it spawns as if we were on the grass :) The bridge The spawn Have a nice day :)
  11. Salut Shiny, et bienvenue sur le forum :) Je comprends que tu aies lâché à partir de noir/blanc. Tu devrais quand meme t'y remettre, soulsilver heartgold, xy et rosa sont des générations absolument géniales: un nouveau type (fée) et les méga évolutions... Faut que tu t'y mettes sérieusement :D
  12. Thanks a lot VikTim, that'll truly help :D :D
  13. (I cant find Aromatherapy either). Hm, i was thinking then making an "annoyer" umbreon, with toxic/confuse Ray, making my team around Gengar (with hex): Togekiss with Thunder wave and Air Slash...? I don't know, i either haven't enough knowledge about team fight synergy ^^ But i think if i can't make my umbreon a cleric, i'll replace one of the sweepers by another one :o
  14. Thanks, i just saw that you are right... Hmm, switching Umbreon with another Cleric so ? :/ What about the rest of team ? :o
  15. Hi guys, I'm currently trying to make my proper team in pro. I'd like to do : Gengar, blaziken, starmie and gardevoir as sweepers, umbreon as cleric and togekiss as a staller. I'm quite a newbie in truly competitive fights, so i was wondering if together i could go somewhere with that, any advice should be good to take :) Thanks & bye !
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