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Ukinaru's Achievements



  1. its telepathy , in the end i relvled a new medicham to 100 this time jolly and ability pure power , seemed to work so i dont know , wasent aware abilty had to be pure power though.
  2. its jolly
  3. hi guys , ive done everything i should do , but when i try to talk to him he says your medicham has the strength but not the purity of heart to wield this power , come back with another medicham. But i followed it exactly i caught one after i talked to him i lvled it to medicham at lvl 100 , and its max happiness. any help is appreciated.
  4. hi there the game just crashed on me now it wont connect back to blue server even though blue server is up and people are online on it any ideas whats happening
  5. yea i have the same issue but im blue server on status it says servers online and people on but it wont connect for me
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