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  1. @HappyMango Thank you so much for the help. I was able to fight stan. I don't recall initiating the quest but looks like I was wrong. Thank you for your help. I have opened another forum under the same name in Bugs section. Please ignore or close it. ty.
  2. I have completed Hoenn League about 3 years ago and started old Sinnoh quest then. Later I had to quit the game and I tried to resume my journey yesterday but found out that the quest is changed. Now I can't locate the new NPC Paul at Lilycove city.
  3. Is there anyway I can contact a MOD if not through forums?
  4. @Lyn1311 I tried going to littleroot town but there was no one there.
  5. Can anyone help me on this? ty
  6. I started the old Sinnoh quest about 3 years ago but then I had to quit the game. Now I was planning to resume my quest today but found out that the quest was changed. Now I can't find paul at Lilycove city nor Hannah at Pokemon League Hoenn. Can anyone help me to resume my quest and get to Sinnoh.
  7. I logged into the game after 4 years break and I was spawned at Dreadtown PC. I remember I was in the middle of quest to reach Sinnoh, But now I cannot resume the quest because I cannot get out of this Event Region. Is there any way to get out of this region without completing the Halloween Quest?
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