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Everything posted by Paponia

  1. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Paponia 2. Number of hours played? 237Hrs played (Quitted because life stuff, but I am back right now) 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Mew 4.What is your trade/job in the game? Hunter; tho I can PvP if needed (don't really like it, but I love to help) 5. Discord Tag SquishyPeach#6372 6. Age. 24 years old. 7. Languages. English, Spanish, Portuguese. (Can understand Italian, French, and a bit of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German) Love you all, thanks in advanced.
  2. What is your Discord tag? Paponia#6372 How often do you use Discord? Mostly every day or whenever a friend ask me to log in, I don't really like playing games without chatting or talking with someone, guess it makes the gameplay less boring tbh. . If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Trying to listen to every user issue and helping to solve as fast as possible.
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