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Posts posted by Wizzzd

  1. On 12/18/2021 at 4:57 AM, ALEXANDRIAN said:



    What is your discord username? wizzzd#4734

    How active are you in pro? I've been playing since 2017 but I took a break in 2019 and now I came back in 2021

    What is your goal in pro? For now it's PvE and then once I gather resources build a PvP team and try to grind the ranked ladder.

    Please provide a screenshot of your trainer card





  2. 1. Tell us about yourself!

    2. What is your nickname in PRO?

    3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)?

    4. How old are you? Where do you come from?

    5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO?

    6. Have you been in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.

    7. What is your favorite Pokemon?

    8. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?

    9. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?



    1. I'm a boy who has love and passion for many games including Pokemon.

    2. My nickname is Wizzzd.

    3. I've played for 214 hours.

    4. I'm 17 years old and I come from a small country of Croatia.

    5. My ambition is being the best PvP-er in PRO.

    6. I was in a guild before but I left. The reason is that the guild was really inactive so there was no reason for me to be in it.

    7. My favorite Pokemon is Scizor.

    8. Yes, I'm quite active on Discord.

    9. Yes, I've never had any warnings or bans.

  3. 1. Tell us about yourself!

    2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue)

    3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?

    4. How old are you? Where do you come from?

    5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO?

    6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?

    7. Have you been in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.

    8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?

    9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?

    10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?


    1. I'm a boy who has love and passion for many games including Pokemon.

    2. My nickname is Wizzzd and I'm playing on Silver

    3. I've played for 214 hours and I have all 32 badges.

    4. I'm 17 years old and I come from a small country of Croatia.

    5. My ambition is being the best PvP-er in PRO.

    6. Because I'm experienced in Pokemon and I'm always ready to help (I also make really bad puns if you guys are into that).

    7. I was in a guild before but I left. The reason is that the guild was really inactive so there was no reason for me to be in it.

    8. My favorite Pokemon is Scizor. I just like everything about him, his design, his versatility in battling.

    9. Yes, I'm quite active on Discord.

    10. Yes, I've never had any warnings or bans.

  4. 1. What is your name in PRO?

    2. Which is your favorite Pokemon?

    3. What is your Goal in PRO?

    4. How many hours did you play on Silver server?

    5. Do you have a PVP Team?

    6. Show trainer card as well.


    1. wizzzd (or as the game corrects it Wizzzd)

    2. Scizor is my favorite pokemon

    3. My goal in PRO is PvPing

    4. 214 Hrs

    5. Not currently but I am in a process of building one


  5. 1. What is your nickname in PRO?

    2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why?

    3. What is your final objective in PRO?

    4. How many hours did you play on Red?

    5. Age:

    6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have one)



    1. wizzzd (or as the game corrects it Wizzzd).

    2. Scizor is my favorite Pokemon. I like Iron Man and Scizor is basically an Iron Man suit for Scyther.

    3. My final goal is PvPing because i find competition the most importat thing about multiplayer games.

    4. 214 Hours.

    5. 17 and a half.

    6. Currently im building one (my first one on PRO).

  6. My IGN is wizzzd.

    My Discord name is wizzzd

    My timezone is CET

    I have 144 Hours on PRO (But I have much more expirience in pokemon especially in PvP)

    My favorite Pokemon is Scizor

    I want to join a happy community like yours. And I also like Yugioh. (Even tho I don't play Duel Links anymore.). I'm willing to help out new PvP players in teambuilding,Pokemon training and battling in general.

  7. Application Questions:


    1. What is your in game username and first name? (optional): wizzzd


    2. How old are you? 16, 17 in 2 months.


    3. How many hours played do you have? 144 hrs


    4. How many gym badges do you have? 24, building a pvp team right now so I might to to sinnoh in the future.


    5. What aspects of PRO are you most into? I'm into PvP, I'm experienced pretty well in Pokemon battling and I'm up for helping people who want to get into PvP.

    (PvP, Hunting, Bossing, Trading, etc)







  8. So I've been annoyed for a little while because I've had to search for my digspots over and over and then I wrote them in a notepad document. Same thing happened with some other things. So I came up with the idea of having marks on your minimap. You could mark an amount of spots on your minimap, then you could name them (about 10 or 15) and when you hover over them it would show you what you named the mark. I think this would be cool for all the players that need to utilize their digspots.

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