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  1. Hey, Unfortunately, as of now, I'm afraid I cannot offer you other possible fixes. :D: Deepest apologies for the inconvenience; we will keep looking into it, and monitor closely people with this issue. In the meanwhile, I will ask here too, but, if you could post your specs, it could help us :Grin: Veleven posted his over here: Thank you for your comprehension, cooperation, and patience! With this being said, I wish you guys a great day :Angel: So you're saying we won't be able to play the game as of now?
  2. Sorry to hear; We'll need the most informations you can give us to be able to narrow down to the issue: What are your PC's specs? Does it work for you on another device? We're looking forward for your answer :Shy: Here you go: Yes it does work on my friend's laptop.
  3. Yep, used dxdiag and there isn't a problem. Am using DirectX11. Are you trying to run PRO as administrator? If yes and it still doesn't work, please try downloading the 32 bit client. Remember to delete all PRO files, including the temporary files and if you have anything in the Recycle Bin before downloading the client. I did it all, still no result... :Bored:
  4. Kindly follow this link :Sing: In hope that the x32 version will do the trick, and to hear again from you :Grin: So I did it all, and still no result. I just can't seem to get the client to start anymore.
  5. Yep, used dxdiag and there isn't a problem. Am using DirectX11. Are you trying to run PRO as administrator? If yes and it still doesn't work, please try downloading the 32 bit client. Remember to delete all PRO files, including the temporary files and if you have anything in the Recycle Bin before downloading the client. Can you explain how I delete my temporary files, so I don't make a mistake. :thanks:
  6. Hello, I have DirectX11 installed and tried running the game but everytime I start up the updated version of the client (2k18) I get this same error message: Also tried the -force-d3d11 fix. Didn't work. :Ambivalent: Have you tried updating your DirectX? Yep, used dxdiag and there isn't a problem. Am using DirectX11.
  7. EDIT Calahan: Snipped quote and added spoiler tags to shorten the answer's length Hey, so I have DirectX11 and I already tried the -force-d3d11 too, did not work. Also I must say that I use Windows 7 but with the previous versions I could use the Windows 10 "-force-d3d9" fix and it would work. Otherwise I would get the same crash message when starting the client the normal way. Now that that doesn't work anymore I tried switching my compatibility mode to windows 7 and starting as admin... but still the same crash error. I also followed all the steps on the Windows 7 fix without succes. So nothing really seems to work. Here is my crash report: Hopefully we can find a solution, thanks in advance tho!
  8. Hello, First of all, that fix does not work anymore and i apologize for the inconvenience. What you need to do now is make sure that you have the latest version of DirectX11 and it should work. You can also try the old fix but type -force-d3d11 instead of 9 but that should not be necessary. Please update your Directx11 and let me know if it works for you, Have a nice day :Angel: Hello, I have DirectX11 installed and tried running the game but everytime I start up the updated version of the client (2k18) I get this same error message: Also tried the -force-d3d11 fix. Didn't work. :Ambivalent:
  9. Re: error PRO2k18_32 <r><QUOTE author="Calahan" post_id="497537" time="1516407657" user_id="1833791"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey there, and sorry for the inconvenience!<br/> I forgot to quote you in my answer above, but, please try the same steps than listed <E>:Shy:</E> <br/> <br/> Have a good day <E>:Grin:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Hey there, <br/> <br/> I tried all the steps unfortunately it did not work as I still receive the same crash message. <E>:Bored:</E> <br/> Any other suggestions?</r>
  10. I am not sure. But you might be experiencing the bag glitch. It's a know bug. To avoid it, you need to open your bag around like every 10 minutes. I am not sure if it's the bag glitch. Good luck :Smile: :Smile: I don't think I understand what you mean. :thanks:
  11. Re: error PRO2k18_32 <r><QUOTE author="MrGreen1091" post_id="496753" time="1516262709" user_id="722036"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> I'm having this same problem after having being able to play all the previous versions whilst using Windows 7 and using the Windows 10 fix. <br/> Now all of a sudden this doesn't work anymore, and I receive the same error message.<br/> Any suggestions on how I can fix this? <E>:Light:</E><br/> <br/> Edit: This is what I'm talking about, tried using game booster as well, didn't work.<br/> It only seems to load just right before the end and then it crashes.<br/> Tried all the other mentioned fixes already. Never really needed them besides the windows 10 fix which worked right up until this update.<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/KGKed0S.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. Re: error PRO2k18_32 <r><QUOTE author="MrGreen1091" post_id="496753" time="1516262709" user_id="722036"><s> </e></QUOTE> See below</r>
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