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  1. Somehow managed to fix it and login. There is still some bug in the login reset link. Hope you will check that. thanks
  2. Hi I am playing this game almost after a whole year. Now I find that there are only two servers and I really dont know to which I should login(was in Red server). I tried logging in to my account on both server but shows invalid password or username. So I tried to reset password and It showed some error. Please help me I need to login ASAP.
  3. I can not asses silver server i merjed my acount
  4. Name:milan090 Playtime hours:I have 260 hrs Total badges:32 completed Country:India Why do you want to join us: ur guilds really cool and liked the post and I really want to join you guys. What is your favorite Pokemon:I like lucario greninja and gengar Your own ambition in PRO:I want to be the best PvP player Why do you still play PRO: bus I want to be the best
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