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Wichitta7's Achievements



  1. I offer togepi in level 25. Accept all offers.
  2. I offer togepi in level 25. Accept all offers.
  3. Finally I could initiate my account, and the Pokémon have changed me, my gyarados now is a seadra, my buneary is a primeape, my togetic is a gloom and my Pikachu is a raichu and my evee pado of level 20 to level 5. I get into the computer to recover and I lack many Pokémon of which it had. Do they me arrange it? Why this looks like a heavy joke.
  4. Por fin pude iniciar m cuenta, y me han cambiado los Pokémon, mi gyarados ahora es un seadra, mi buneary es un primer , mi togetic es un gloom y mi Pikachu es un raichu. Me meto en el ordenador para recuperarlos y me faltan muchísimos Pokémons de los que tenía. ¿Me lo arreglan? Por qué esto parece una broma pesada.
  5. The same problem.
  6. The same thing.
  7. Hi, i am trying yo merge my accounts bit when i beat (merge is required) It say authentication required, I add te username and pasword and the message is repeat, the dame thing happen as OMEGA995. I can't access to my account. I need help.
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