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  1. i am so confuse right now
  2. its a total waste of money then... i don't even need a mount... thanks guys
  3. so even if i brought a mount i still need a bike to make it work???
  4. I brought the S Glaceon Mount, but when I try to enter route 17 from Celadon City and Fushsia City, the guard said I need a bike or something like that to in order to go in. Now I am still not able to get through...
  6. If you send out #195 Quagsire while fighting Pikachu, it will use Surf all the time. In the case of my LV19 Quagsire having a special ability "water absorb" , its not able to kill Quagsire, so I am able to kill Pikachu without trouble Although it won't give any experience, but its better to be fix Thanks
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