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  1. Auction closed, winner of the first eevee is Royalboss
  2. C.O first eevee 360k by Royalboss Auction ends in 6 hours
  3. C.O first eevee 340k by Lola There is no insta btw ^^
  4. C.O 1st eevee 140k from aragiKun Auction ends in 11 hours
  5. thank u, i'll edit now :)
  6. Eevee 1 started C/O 100k , auction ends in 24 hours
  7. Edited the Thread :) u can check them
  8. Hey Guys, im selling these Eevees i catched. S.o 100k - min raise 20k. Auction lasts 1 day Note: None of these Eevees are Hp Ice Edit: Eevee 3 Sold in game Eevee 1: Grass H.P Eevee 2: Electric H.P Eevee 4: Rock H.P Eevee 5: Rock H.P Thank you and have a nice day
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