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  1. Well aware of that. I never expect things to be done the next day. Just bringing up an idea when I think it is a viable option to be implemented and why. Changed the thread title just in case it confused people.
  2. Why not have the coin purse item from like silver and gold? (I'm a gen 2 scrubbie) And enable gambling in Goldenrod and Celadon? Players have to buy coins which cannot be returned. (Extort them right up in price) Make it difficult to come out ahead on the gambling. Offer rare"ish" pokemon (Raltz, Spirittomb, Snorlax, Abra etc) OR TM's which are hard to acquire otherwise. (Only 90 hrs and 6 badges in I havent really looked around to acquire tms yet) Make the pokemon a random nature like a non synced encounter (1 in 20 something) Factor in the cost of the coins + time to play and win + number of times you lose = A non viable option for farming a good iv poke but maybe an option if you just really gotta have one of the pokemon it can take ages to acquire for your pokedex. Money Sink = Win Thoughts? (Realize this is a very basic idea, feedback with lovely numbers would be nice)
  3. Psylo mentioned this in the discord and I see people asking a lot when a boss resets in the main chat, and I loved the idea. I am never going to write down when I beat a boss and I will doubtless forget how long it really is, so it is something I would find handy. (Get busy with real life for a couple days and don't play etc) Could just be a command like /boss bossname (ShowTime) So players have to have the bosses name to see the cooldown (Because story!) Or even just /time bossname whatever some sorta short little inchat command. Or maybe like a little interaction piece? Little "Boss Watch" showing the time remaining, with names as ???? until they are battled. Liked this idea so I shared it. Thoughts?
  4. But not before in the main chat. Why not see the ev's then? Save going from Johto to Kanto to find someone is trying to sell you a Snorlax with random ev distribution at a maximum price.
  5. Show the ev's on linked pokes mostly for trade, partially so I can brag to my buddies I have finished ev training. Annoying to type out how the person has it trained. It also makes it easier for me to look at it decide if I want to spend the berries on it to retrain it how I want it. Thoughts?
  6. Make a like $10 unban available where your money gets cleared but you keep your pokemon.(Maybe also delete inventory items? may be a pain but figure there is a command somewhere to set cash to 0 I am assuming) Idea behind this is that you know who the person is you now have to watch, without cash if they want to make it back super fast they then buy and sell items from the admin shop. win-win. More appealing for people who are banned because they can get the account back with their pokemon, more appealing for staff because instead of making unknown new accounts they know who was banned and to keep an eye on them, bonus because you have a couple bucks for the inconvience factor of the player. Aware some hyper moral kids might cry at this but think that the server can get several months membership from someone who broke the rules all at once. And of course some ban reasons might never allow for the player to be unbanned. Thoughts?
  7. This man kicked my dog and stole my newspaper.
  8. Hi. Pls admen notice me, I am a lonely otaku looking for the perfect iv potato. But in all seriousness I spend most my time in the 18+ chat in the discord, spreading lies and slander. Mostly slander. That is about it. Oh and you can call me BoomerzDude. Because that's my name. I'm awesome. I am also one of the people in the Shiny Woodpeckers. Because woodpeckers are thug, and you best respect.
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