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Posts posted by Pinkbanana

  1. 8 minutes ago, Epithet said:

    It wasn't a normal way of compensation. But rather, another opportunity for players to earn Mysterious Tickets while incorporating the newly announced Bidoof Day. Tickets will not be given if the IV goal is not met, which it was not. Disappointing as it may be, that's how the World Quest works.

    I agree with this . Cause the point of the world quest is to hunt and finished quest together and get reward together. 

    And about suggestion the reward or extra advantages for the one who finish it (in case WQ fail),you cannot play favorite like that. This even is supposed to be together not for only most active player at specific time and day for WQ.

    Back then 2019 ,WQ was just like hunting race. Sometimes people was being left out without finishing it.Sometimes caused the lag too. it was happened cause there were more than double player then right now.

    For example the last archen WQ lasted for long too. I didn't really pay attention about IV requirements different between now and back then but I guess it's more less the same.

    When I heard about the plan first WQ bidoof, 3,5m IVS supposed done by 200 people. It was ridiculous. firstly it's sinnoh only pokemon and secondly it's not useable for anything. Like in gold you have average around 400 online player. How many people from this 400+ who unlocked sinnoh region? 

    How many people from this 400+ that have straight 4 hours times to finish the quest in that day? 

    I think staff need to reevaluate about the expectation how many people that gonna finish/do the quest. The fact is we have viewer player now.

    I don't even know if the data about how many people online is right or no. Cause I feel ,it's not. Like in all chat you maybe see 6 same ppl that talking, even in trade chat too ,you gonna see same 10-15 post for an hour.

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