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Patriciaa95's Achievements



  1. b.o 200k / 1m insta
  2. 400K/ OR 2 black membership
  3. 1. Hi im Patricia 2. Patriciaa95, Red server 3. i have played 95hours 4. i have 21 yo i come from comptitive games, like oras, sam, 5. Spam pvp always wit brain and the top and learn 6. i want to bya member of the best and favourite guild like chronos i am serious girlplayer and i like it! 7. im not in the guild. 8. Sylveon i love it idk why 9. yes i can join to discord live in spain and speak little english can speak and undestand english. 10. ofc :) pd: about m hours i have experience and know how to play tis game / pvp. i dont leave guilds without reassons. and i want to join plzzz. id: Patriciaa95, im conected 24/7, im not bad actitude player and never flame and toxic. just agradable play. have much pvp pokes and want to rank to the top
  4. Re: REIRRAC'S INSTA SHOP <t>and klefki patricaa95</t>
  5. Re: REIRRAC'S INSTA SHOP <t>wtb gliscor add in game patriciaa95</t>
  6. Re: IMPISH GLIGAR H.A <t>offer</t>
  7. OFFER, price and items. no pokes
  8. 450k SOLD 100k 250k 200k 400k 300k One ground offer, Dugtrio , Donphan , Excadrill, and Hippowdon, 1M combo Event rapidash h mount 100k Houndoom mount 70k Dragonair surf mount 100k wailmer surf mount 70k
  9. hi guys sell 15 days ms 220k add in game patriciaa95 im onn now
  10. Hi i want to sell or trade for capsule coin thanks guys
  11. Hello there! You missed one spot at the bottom right corner of the map The coordinates are 57,49. Use /loc command in game to check your character's current position and head to that position. 57 is the horizontal position (x) while 49 is the vertical position (y) Please have a check :Angel: I wish you a good day, and hope you're enjoying the event :Grin: thanks i found it with ur help! nice mod help and fast thanks
  12. hi need help with the last 3 i clicked in all map pixels adn watched much guides but cant found please help have 3 days trying
  13. hi need help i watched much guided images but cant found the lst one need help please
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