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About Rhapsody

  • Birthday March 15

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  1. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <r><QUOTE author="Isaac"><s> </e></QUOTE> here goes<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/B45LG5y.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Its pretty simple though, hope you like it</r>
  2. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>Yo Isaac I'd like to join<br/> <br/> IGN: Rhapsody<br/> Age: 15<br/> Tell me about Yourself: Just started playing this, but I have some experience with pokemon games in general<br/> Which position are you applying for: Any<br/> Favorite Pokemon: Atm I think it would be Houndoom, but not really sure<br/> Why do you want to join the Pokemon Elites: because its a competitive team and I actually know you from another game (not sure if I can mention it in here)<br/> <br/> Also I can make a ok banner if you want</t>
  3. Yo. im new to the game
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