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  1. Thank you!!
  2. What is your Discord tag? ZGM Penguin#4568 How often do you use Discord? Everyday. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Right now it is very organized and there isn't much to do. However, I think maybe if we had a channel that was a place for the staff to interact with the members, such as a "Pokémon question of the day", it would make it more fun since it's always a blast to interact with staff members.
  3. This is not a long story like everyone else's... and it's more of an irl story then a in game story, but here goes: I was introduced to Pro earlier this year by a close friend of mine. We both liked Pokémon for a while and it was a way we always connected. Recently (2 weeks ago), his dog passed away that he's had for 8 years and I've known this dog for all of those years. It's been sad and hard to talk to him about anything, but last week we decided to play pro together. We were just battling each other and having fun! He was laughing and PRO was bringing us together. I am trying to save up to buy a really good Gible so I can gift him it since Garchomp is his favorite Pokémon. I know this isn't a story of how I got lucky RNG on Pro but this is a hopefully good story about it. Thanks :)
  4. Want to buy Bold, h.a. epic Feebas/Milotic. ign: AveragePenguin
  5. I want it, where should I offer?
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