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  1. Re: [FR] ✧ La guilde Disaster ✧ <t>Pseudo dans le jeu : ownedbytv<br/> Heures de jeu : 32x<br/> Âge : 19 (20 en septembre :p ) <br/> Avez-vous Discord : yep<br/> Où en êtes vous dans l'aventure : je viens de commencer hoenn hier soir j'ai passé la 3eme arène<br/> Ce que vous faites dans le jeu principalement : histoires/quêtes/farm lvl up ev des pokés/farm des bon pokés<br/> Quelques mots sur vous : sociable et agréable a vivre aime passer du temp sur pro/Clash royale/castle clash et autres jeux.</t>
  2. PRO Username: ownedbytv Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? beating chuck just before a crash What have you already tried to solve the problem? check the pc a thousand time Description and Message i just beated chuck and he gave me a riolu, i was on my way to the pokecenter and the server crashed, just after i reconnect i checked if it does not roll back, chuck said come back in x hours, and i don't have the riolu in my pc
  3. he's on bo so, i'm gonna edit my post
  4. he's for you, pm me in game
  5. another bump here
  6. gliscor machamp magnezone starmie weavile make an offer for each of these pokes bo 95k
  7. wtb razor fang for correct price, comment your price
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