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Defe98's Achievements



  1. good iv's, my mistake, I'm sorry
  2. I am selling a Munchlax and a Happiny h.a with good iv's, I accept offers
  3. Offering base of 650k for 2 days In leftover gift
  4. 2.6m for me
  5. Defe98


    Do you still have to wait a long time?
  6. 1,7m for me
  7. 1m for me
  8. b.o 150k 3day
  9. I sell my golbat, offers? :y:
  10. I do not know where I need to check on the site, it's the first time I use it
  11. Can you tell me why this happened to me?
  12. Hello to everyone, I am writing to you for a problem this morning when I log in to my server, entering this notification I received this notification: "You are currently Mute Banned, and can not speak to others", now I would like to know if possible, this banned when it should last and what it is, thank you in advance, expect your answers. :Frown:
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