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Everything posted by Sebas100003

  1. Thx for offer end the 27 at 5am -5gmt
  2. Thx for offer END 24/01/2019 At 5am (-5GMT) Eastern Canada time
  3. Bump
  4. Start
  5. Hi i made a strawpoll about merging the servers https://www.strawpoll.me/17220461 Personaly i think we should at least have a paid option to server swich. One other option could be cross server pvp (not my Idea). A cross server trade zone like an Island so pepole from both server can Trade together could be an option too. Anyway, i think at those kind of numbers (50 player+) we can have a good idea about what the comunity want. Thx have a great day.
  6. 50k min outbid 5hr auction Insta:1.25m
  7. Start infernape 1.5 m 23+
  8. 1. I want a godly tangrowth regenarator sassy h.p fire Sebas100003 gold server
  9. How Much Time left
  10. Start
  11. I Buy all 2 m
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