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Everything posted by Voxarbus

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <t>- Birch - <br/> <br/> Swellow (Airslash / Toxic)<br/> Mega Swampert (Hammer Harm / EQ)<br/> Medicham (Poison Jab / Psyshock / Calm Mind)<br/> Mightyena (Crunch / Play Rough)<br/> Slaking (Giga Impact)<br/> Flygon (Earth Power / Bug Buzz)<br/> <br/> 14743 + 5 RC</t>
  2. Re: [FR] ✧・゚*・゚Ɗisaster ・゚*・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>Bon bah bump hein O.O</t>
  3. Re: [FR]・゚✧ Revenge Killer Hunt ✧・゚ —⎪・Guilde Disaster・⎪ <r>Je participe . <E>:Ambivalent:</E> <br/> <br/> Enfin seulement si la bouffe de gros porc est incluse o.o</r>
  4. Re: [FR] ✧・゚*・゚Guilde Disaster ・゚*・゚✧ ⎪・Ralliez-vous au Chaos・⎪Recrute de nouveau ! <t>Hellow ! Je dépose ma modeste candidature par ici huhu.<br/> <br/> Pseudo dans le jeu : Voxarbus<br/> Heures de jeu : 540+<br/> Âge : 26<br/> Avez-vous Discord : Bubus#6655<br/> Où en êtes vous dans l'aventure : Les 3 régions terminées.<br/> Ce que vous faites dans le jeu : Jusqu'à présent c'était du trade/PVP/stratégie mais j'ai bien envie de farm du Evoli shiny (si ça existe sur PRO) pour mon petit Umbreon cancéreux de type qualitatif.<br/> Quelques mots sur vous : J'ai rejoint PRO il y a un peu plus d'un an maintenant (04/01/16) en compagnie du petit Tartempion d'abord par curiosité et puis sous la torture j'ai dû finir par avouer que c'était sûrement la meilleure adaptation online du jeu original...<br/> Je reprends le jeu en ce moment après un arrêt de plusieurs mois surtout à cause de la metagame dégueulasse du PVP de l'époque, du manque d'objets codés etc... Du coup je me suis concentré sur autre chose et sur le PVP console de Sun/Moon.<br/> Sinon ben j'arrive pas à arrêter de jouer à Pokemon depuis 1996, je songe à consulter dans un avenir proche mais j'ai peu d'espoir T_T<br/> Je suis actif sur d'autres jeux en ligne ce qui m'a habitué à supporter d'autres personnes dans des équipes (un peu moins des guildes vu que j'étais pas trop MMORPG mais c'est le même principe hein) plus ou moins grosses. Pour finir je manage une équipe et rédige des news pour team-aaa.com depuis maintenant..bien trop longtemps o.o<br/> <br/> Vwala ! Là-dessus bonne journée à tous.</t>
  5. Same here, can connect to Blue serv easily tho o.o guess the upgrade didn't go too well after all ^^
  6. Had the same issue first time I played (back in january), guess it has not been fixed ? Actually I spammed the action button at where the eevee was supposed to be and I got to talk to it eventually.
  7. I agree on the base prices for items since they don't really fluctuate much except for MS. It's kind of already the case btw, I don't see much changes on the item prices to be honest. But for pokes there are way too many variables : rarity, IV's, evo stages, EV's trained/not, nature, ability etc.. A lot of people would tend to set stupid prices whenever they have a poke with 31 IV in atk and an Adamant nature, just because 31 and Adamant...Same as buying a Gale Wings Talonflame for million only for its ability when you can farm it at TV or wait a for a stage 1 sale. I mean yes it's stupid but it would be even more stupid to buy these. So it's all on you to determine if a price is right according to all the poke's specifications. It doesn't ask much to just do a little research on every poke you want, have the patience and say "wait this is too expensive I'll wait for another one". What I was thinking was like a pokemon deposit/trading system in which you just put the pokes you want to sell (just like GTS on consoles), you set the minimum price you want for each and every poke you sell, like instant prices would be a category in this system. Or you put your pokes in the auction category, maybe set a minimum starting price and just wait for people to bid on them. But I guess it would be such a big task for coders. And personaly I'd prefer the admins focusing more on the game itself rather than the trading system xD It's just up to us not to buy anything at any price after all..
  8. It's ok hehe that's what we get for playing around the world. So i'm UTC+2:00 (it's 5pm atm) so this means you're UTC-6:00 or +8:00, right ? well ok i'll just get online early tomorrow morning haha xD
  9. Nah I won't sell those for 250k, since you'll sell them back for way more you can put the right price ;) I won't go lower than 350k. I already have you in my list in-game btw. I believe we miss each other everytime I get online ^^' at what time are you usually on ? Tartempion will answer today he couldn't be available sooner
  10. It is :) though I did update its moveset with Heal Bell and Taunt (didn't update pic yet) so I was thinking of updating the price aswell (nothing too silly)
  11. Like I said on the pm you got it, I'll be adding you in-game today.
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>Got Mystic Water from Elm.. -_ç</t>
  13. Re: *aAa* Shop : PVP EPIC GOD BEAST [NEW Pokes/Instas UPDATED] <r><QUOTE author="BillyHarrington"><s> </e></QUOTE> You've got b.o, insta added :)<br/> <QUOTE author="Redflame2001"><s> </e></QUOTE> Instas added ! In order 150, 250 and 400k :)</r>
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