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Posts posted by Lalala93

  1. late reply but its important to give feedback!


    I can only play this game on a laptop so i currently have a disadvantage compared to people playing on a mobile phone for example. on mobile you can have a much better view of your surroundings. unfortunately with laptop that is not the case. 


    Its kinda stopped me playing the game and im sure others have done the same. really want to support this platform but current set up is unfair for laptop users. 


    please consider reinstating staffview or giving us an option to zoom out a little bit more. the current view would be unplayable if i didnt know the maps from the gameboy days!!

    Many thanks


  2. Hello! i am having a poke-nightmare (wow that was geeky)


    I can only play PRO from my laptop and i have not been able to properly play since staff view was removed. the game is so zoomed in its practically unplayable. I have played with the graphics settings countless times and it only zooms in the game even more.


    there used to be a solution by pressing f2 and putting in the staffview command. apparently this is not available?


    can the moderators explain why we can use the command anymore? it cant just be me having this issue. i really want to play the christmas event like every year but i cant play like this!!!


    i used to play on my phone but recently got an iphone so can only play on laptop now



    if you have any solutions please let me know!!! ill be waiting



  3. Hey, thanks for the speedy response. 


    I should have mentioned in my post that I have tried all resolution/game zoom on the settings but this does not solve the issue I have, It justs changes the actual size of the screen instead of the zoom itself.  


    Staff view 1 used to fix this issue.


    I am using a laptop and I'm surprised I'm having such limitations...


    It works normally on my phone which is more strange!





  4. my laptop is about to fly out of my window. I am trying to play this game zoomed in but i am just not making fast progress and not enjoying the player experience anymore. 


    i have found this video to show the same issue i have and what used to be the solution. does staff view1 even exist anymore?


    i hope to get it sorted as i miss playing this game!





  5. Hi PRO team,


    I need help please, I am currently doing the Christmas quest but it appears that I cannot continue. I have back tracked my steps to see if I missed any vital parts to the quest and I noticed that when I am in the belly of the great beast, I can click on the rock and be told that I have found a gem every time I click on it which is odd. From there I got stuck in the section where I need to find four gravlers. I had found two gravlers which both told me something similar to " human! Please don't kill me". At this point I assume that maybe I have done something wrong or there might be a bug







  6. Hi guys,


    When I play pro on my laptop i get greeted with a zoomed in screen which isn't so practical. There used to be a way to zoom out of game by doing f2 and typing staff view 1 but this longer seems to work for me.


    Any suggestions?





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