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About Caylan

  • Birthday 03/08/1994

Caylan's Achievements



  1. Re: WTS HIPPOWDON IMPISH <t>600k<br/> <br/> Your message contains 4 characters.<br/> You need to enter at least 6 characters</t>
  2. Re: w33shop <t>Chandelure <br/> 150k</t>
  3. Re: >>Gaxaxys Shop (EPIC PVP READY)<< <t>650k scizor adamant</t>
  4. Re: >>Gaxaxys Shop (EPIC PVP READY)<< <t>I'm interested in your Scizor but I'm not sure about the price what are you looking for?</t>
  5. CHERRYGROVE CITY Corsola - Surfing - Morning / Day Tentacool - Surfing - Morning / Day / Night Tentacruel - Surfing - Morning / Day / Night Wailmer - Surfing - Morning / Day / Night Staryu - Fishing - Night Got Corsola and Tentacool with "Good Rod" while leveling up my poke. (on Tentacool, also with "Good Rod) so they are not only aviable with surfing. :o
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