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Everything posted by Socksgunner32

  1. Thank you Fluffles you the best Happy holidays to you and your family and hope for the best
  2. Thanks Fluffles you always help and doing a great job yeah maybe one more thing. is there any chance i can be part of PRO ? like a moderator or something ? i can start small i dont mind
  3. i said im in twice.. thought my post didnt go through sorry about that haha
  4. 1) When you click on using a master ball the system should ask you if you sure about using this item :) 2) Shines should be separated in our pc . There should be a special box/es for our shiny pokemon 3) When fighting a trainer the poke balls should disappear from bag :) no need to use a poke ball against a trainer 4) When searching on box for example when you type Zo... all the pokemon that start with Zo should appear on screen 5) Cant search for rotom forms in box. You can fix that as well :D 6) Add a new item called Torch or Lantern ( then you wont be needing a poke with flash )
  5. I'll never get use to current speed.. took me months to get 500 pve coins so I can have a legendary "fast" mount.. and now they take it away.. Big downgrade for the game
  6. That's so lame man really... cheap excuse..
  7. Seems like you care... Just play the game why are you even in this post..
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