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Everything posted by Akiraxyz

  1. My issue has been resolved. Thank you very much, @HappyMango and @AICedo!
  2. Is it possible for at least the mount to be sent or coded into my account?
  3. Hi, while I was speaking to Mayor Gorge, who gave me the option to pick either "Vampire Clothes" or "Houndoom Mount". I was just about to pick Houndoom Mount when the game crashed. When I re-logged into my account, I discovered that I neither had the mount, nor the clothes. Talking to Mayor Gorge does not resolve the issue either. He simply speaks about gathering Phantump. I would appreciate any kind of help or advice regarding this matter. EDIT: Further research on the matter also shows that I did not receive any event points from Mayor Gorge as well. My in-game ID = Akiraxyz
  4. Hello Heavenl, you have a lovely shop. I would like to buy the Naughty Beldum (ID: 50688526) for the listed price 200k. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon My Discord: Akira#3719
  5. Hi everyone! This is my first post in this forum and website; as well as my first auction. I apologize if I make any mistakes. ACCEPTING - CC (400k) and Poke-dollars Starting Offer - 300k Instant Offer - 1m Minimum Raise - 50k Auction Start - 10:00 AM (EDT) - 5/21/20 Auction End - 2:00 PM (EDT) - 5/23/20 In-Game Name - Akiraxyz Thank you and Good luck to all.
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