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About Lilithasami

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  1. So you two are clearly people who wanted to snipe it at the last minute and didn't get an opportunity ? Neither of you offered anything at all and your asking for screen shots like it's a rule. What a joke . @sarks thank you for trade bro. Hope you enjoy it. And to the other two : maybe next time you should offer or something instead of saying nothing till after its gone. You can't complain about me changing an Insta and you not seeing it when you didn't bother to offer at all . this really has to be some kind of joke right ? You two didn't actually feel entitled to a chance at it when you didn't offer right ? Gotta be a joke ....
  2. I don't have to post a screen shot. That is not in the rules. I traded it to sarks. You can ask him if you'd like. 22m is what I sold it for. I changed my auction earlier in the day to reflect the new insta. If you were interested and didn't post I'm sorry you weren't able to bid but you did have the time to do it :)
  3. Looking for the following epic/god: Adamant Tyranitar Adamant Timburr Need 2 of these 1 guts 1 sheer force Jolly 31 speed sand veil Garchomp Impish Rough Skin Garchomp Timid hp ice eevee not h.a Timid hp fire eevee h.a Bold Eevee h.a (prefer hp fire but doesn't need it) Naive Salamence h.a Will add more in the future as i think of them . post prices please. want epic/god only pls ty
  4. okay. sarks insta'd thanks. can be closed.
  5. what i meant is an instant ev training device in game that you can pay to use instead of spending 40 minutes to an hour training 1 mon at a time.
  6. might as well continue to bump this from here.
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