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About Robhe

  • Birthday 07/07/1987

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  1. YAY! Need a new mousse, so this is cool. Good luck to everyone!
  2. Re: Stuck on checking map version <r><QUOTE author="riccatt"><s> </e></QUOTE> To jump the problem:<br/> 1. Disconnect from internet<br/> 2. Open the game and wait for the login page<br/> 3. Reconnect internet<br/> 4. Play<e> </e></QUOTE> Didn´t work for me...</r>
  3. Re: Loading up <t>We have all the same issue. i was training EVs and the server drop me and now cant login. So i think this is a server issue.</t>
  4. Welcome aboard. Enjoy this great game.
  5. Enjoy this game!
  6. Oh well,i dont understand why people is crying right now, 0 info is released at this moments. But i preffer keep my character up. I can restart in blue server with my smurf, np. : :Heart-eyes: :Heart-eyes:
  7. where is the info about the new server¿?
  8. well.. i think this is unplayable right now with 2k slots. This game have a big fanbase for just 2k players and so much monthly donators... we need 1k slots more at least. And now Hoenn is coming and 50k players gonna try enter in the server collapsing the access. Sry for my bad english, that is not my language.
  9. I don´t see the logic among eviolite and mega stones. :Crazy:
  10. yes please... fix eviolite if you can... i need that item so much. :Frown: :Frown: :Frown:
  11. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [added new pokes!!] <t>edited.</t>
  12. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [added new pokes!!] <t>Bo on Allesio´s Venusaur right now?</t>
  13. You are welcome,Nathan. Enjoy the game, is really good and funny. I think the server is offline right now, but still being the best Pokemon game. Sorry for my bad english, isn´t my language. :Grin: :Angel:
  14. omg man, u are my hero! in 2 days i talk with you. :3
  15. Same problem here
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