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Everything posted by Lekro

  1. you have the BO
  2. Re: Cicciolino's Shop!!! - ( EPIC TYRANITAR ) - Auction Swablu end 7 - 12 at 5 PM GMT+1 <t>140k swablu</t>
  3. Re: Lekro Shop <r><QUOTE author="keilep"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thankyou for participated</r>
  4. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 654 IGN : Lekro</t>
  5. Re: Lekro Shop <t>bump</t>
  6. HELLO GUYS Welcome to my shop and thankyou for visit :Grin: [highlight=yellow]Here is some rules[/highlight] -No insta price - You can also offer in game IGN: Lekro. -Accept MS -Start Counting 24hrs after good offer Note:Sold pokemon will be remove from the list [highlight=red]Heres My pokemon[/highlight] BO 200k BO 85k
  7. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> gan kalau online PM ane ya. mau di add guild. <E>:thanks:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Oke bang <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  8. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r>IGN: Lekro<br/> Play Hours: 252 jam<br/> Jumlah Badges: 16<br/> Alasan ingin masuk Guild ini: Pengen cari temen buat sharing dan curhat <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  9. Re: [swinub Auction end in 20 min] JackQwerty Shop <t>70k timid evee</t>
  10. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r>Join dong IGN : Lekro <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  11. like this
  12. its been 2 days and still cant move i try with reinstalling and logged off but still
  13. i still cant move is been 2 days
  14. im stuck at johto safari zone lobby cant move . What should i do ?
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