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  1. 1M
  2. Notorious where? can you give examples? i never heard of a game that had its economy ruined because a better trade system was implemented By the way, the action house is ALREADY on the dev to-do list, it's not up for us to decide if it will or not be implemented. It will be in the game sooner or later, the devs WANT it.
  3. these are implementations that will come to the server at some point, they are in their "to-do" list, its not something that people will pay for and ask to be made that isn't in the list. the legal part makes no sense, since they will still be donations.
  4. This is exactly the point. For me, its incredibly useful and a great quality of life improvement, so i would like to "rush" this implementation. It makes absolutely no sense to say that it will ruin the market, since we already can trade pokemons, it is just a much worse experience than it could be. This extra difficulty in trade is not what makes the market stable.
  5. Hi, my idea is very simple: The thing i want the most in a server is the action house, so i would gladly donate extra(not related to points we get in game) to make it happen faster(with the budget, could hire someone to make the improvement). So it would be awesome to have a "to-do" list and how much money would take to do it, and give us the option to donate directly to a improvement that we really look foward to
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