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  1. c/o 100k I guess ^-^ edit: Sold ingame
  2. Machop ~ much op Offer please :) :Angel:
  3. As title says, I am selling the named mounts. Offer please :)
  4. Shiny Golduck https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=14025
  5. Crappy stats, crappy nature, crappy crap~ hence I don't want much. Trading for pokemons aswell~ like some nice fighting or dark pokemon
  6. *push* Just give me a decent offer, I know you want this shiny duck :)
  7. WTS Shiny Golduck 25ATK 01DEF 09SPD 26SPATK 29SPDEF 05HP But well, it's shiny ^-^ Selling or trading for... something nice~
  8. 200 free slots... "cannot connect to server"
  9. Good for you v_V I logged in, walked a bit... had to go on an irl-hunt for food... came back... PRO64.exe stopped working and now I am trying to get online again :(
  10. Now I managed to log in but I am stuck on the ''Who are you?'' introduction where I have to choose my style which doesn't let me pick any. Is this a known issue should i relog again or just w8 at this screen? Relog - waiting wont fix it.. .trust me, I tried q.q Worked on 2nd login tho
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