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  1. me too but actually is full okay and before its 1740/1850 please...
  2. not all the time but he say that
  3. PRO Username: jony1566 Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing today. But i can launch and connect 3 times. The server is not full, if i want to connect What have you already tried to solve the problem? Restart the game, launch admin mod, restart pc, windows defender is off, i have no antivirus just Steam, drivers nvidia, asus drivers, and drivers Roccat (Keyboard, mouse and headset) launch... Description and Message My config : i7 3930K 16GB RAM ASUS STRIX OC 960 4GB i live in switzerland, i have Swisscom (Bluewin) for internet connection, 45 MB Download, 15 MB Upload
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