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Posts posted by Emehntehtt

  1. If there is a 1000+ queue nowadays (yes the game grew in popularity because it's awesome), do you really think you'd have more chance to have the last place remaining on the server by spamming alongside that many people ?

  2. PRO Username: Emehntehtt

    Do you have active membership?: No

    Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    unzipped various uploads of new client since yesterday.


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?

    redownloaded client today and tried to connect


    Description and Message

    After yesterday's afternoon (gmt+1) connection troubles with new client, I was eager to being able to log in to the server around midnight, eventhough the label indicated version 0.92_1 (administrators explained it wasn't relevant on another topic). The queue worked perfectly, me being positioned ~150 it wasn't a long time until connection.

    However, today around 2pm, as I tried to start my conquer of Vermilion city's arena, server was full and i wasn't placed in the queue, left only with the notice "Can not connect to server..". Then i redownloaded the client (deleted former folder, created new one, extracted new download) and launched it, tried to reconnect but it was all the same. Is it because too many people are trying to go in at the same time ?

    Now I'm not pointing finger at anyone or anything and i'm not even impatient ( a little, it's a great game, even in beta :) ), just trying to understand and perhaps have some help because solutions seem out of reach to me !

  3. 86564 They palnned to add a login queue, but i never heard that it was in 0.93, and yes, it is because there is too many people trying to connect at the same time, Red also said it ^^


    There was supposed to be a queue here, it was writen (the first on the list !) in the annoucement section earlier this afternoon alongside with other contents such as "fixing status changes when confused" and plenty other bug corrections.

    However, they removed the posts and linked to main site instead.

  4. These things make PRO a bit harder than console one to match the theme, MMO.
    85809 "We are in Live BETA and Free to Play so keep that in mind."


    We will grow the server capacity eventually but we won't make it rush because it may cause more crashes due the haste action.


    The fact MS is donation, and we WILL not take priority of MS players on login, it will cause the game to be pay to win/partially pay to play.


    There is nothing wrong with damage threshold, the cause might be due nature, IV, and EV (these three work fine in game). Also the battle is "SET" mode and there is no "SHIFT" mode. make the battle a bit harder.


    This game is MMO, we do make things match with the theme. For example EXP gain isn't follow the console one. Experience will differ between levels. The higher your poke's level, the harder you gain experience from same grind spot level. Exp shared from a battle reduced to prevent exp grinding for weak party. NPC Trainers are stronger. And there are many more.

    These things make PRO a bit harder than console one to match the theme, MMO.



    I understand you guys want it to be harder and thats a good thing, but what about probabilities concerning status (especially confusion, havn't encountered all status changes yet...) and attacks missed ? I don't know if it's just me but it seems you hit yourself more than 50% of the time (or am i that unlucky ?) and i see more missed moves on average (me and opponent) than on the console games.


    Also, it would be nice of you to create a topic related to game mechanics and expose the different numbers (details on exp gain, money, capture etc... if you changed anything) to the community in order to avoid unenlightened questions like mine. (unless you absolutly want to keep them secret hehe !)

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