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About Tyrone07

  • Birthday 03/11/1998

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  • AIM
    To best a Best pokemon trainer
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Tyrone07's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. @Poopsmagoops u have won clefable . Dm me on discord - smooch7
  2. Excadrill ended . @Narutox07 won
  3. Noted
  4. noted auction will end in 15 mins if i dont get other offers. If i get it will be again 15 mins
  5. Auction for chansey and dragonite is over @Lordofthetrades and @Narutox07 u have wonr dragonite and chansey repectively. dm me on discord for futher trade discord id - smooch7
  6. Sorry due to my miss calculation , chansey and dragonite is going to end in 3 hours and 10 mins @Narutox07
  7. 10 Hours left for CHANSEY AND DRAGONITE
  8. S.O (for each): 200k Min bid (for each): 50k Accepted payment type : pokedollars , cc (500k), iv rr (600k), nat rr (300k) Auction ends: 48hrs after first bid Insta for Chansey : 2m CO - 400K Insta for Excadrill : 1m CO - 400k Insta for Tyranitar : 1.7m CO- Insta for Garchomp (sand veil) : 1.2m CO- Insta for Garchomp (Rought skin) : 1.5m CO- Insta for Clefable : 1.5m CO- 200K Insta for Dragonite : 2m SOLD
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