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  1. guys i am a developing player in the game i want to be friendly with other and want to know and understand every thing so plz accept me first see how is my playing and behaviour then its your wish i want to be a great pokemon master and plz help me in the PVP battles and help me thank you i am at gold serv I love pokemon a lot with your inspiration and help i can be better and change in to experienced trainer all the people can help me,but some people thought new trainers they can't do anything if you support them they will be a great trainers i am one of them in new trainers so i have experienced with your delight and concern i will be a best pokemon master like you guys help me in the way,only friends can help other in problem PLZ RESPOND TOWARDS ME THANK YOU
  2. Welcome to the Draconid guild recruitment The guild was recently created, if you would like to join the requirements would be 100 hours playtime to provide proof that you have met this milestone you would have to show your Trainer ID card, if not active for 3 weeks in general we will proceed with kicking you from the guild, the requirements list/form is below (Gotta be there to be there y’know?) Rules. Lets just keep this part simple. Using any kind of third-party program that can alter the flow of the game is not allowed. Same thing goes with dealing or using real money trading (RMT). Any members caught using the said program/doing RMT, they will be removed and will be reported to PRO Staff. SCAMMING isn’t allowed anyone caught will be removed and will be reported to PRO Staff. No DOXXing or releasing personal info of other members, friends or officers be nice to each other and everyone else regardless. Contact Leader: Alolamao Co-Leader: Haunty -More to come- The Requirements 1. Age 15+, English (ESL) 2. Trainer ID card for 100 playtime hours. 3. Must be active in both in-game and discord. 4. Discord is a must have so that its easier to talk, chat, PM etc.
  3. Npc at the cave entrance has bugged and still wont let me inside! Iv completed mt pyre and Magma hideout. Is there anyone on this forum who is willing to help? Its been bugged for a week now!
  4. Hi changed my password on two of my personal accounts and I cannot log in on both of them. I changed my passwords because a couple days ago on the "Encladius" account I lost a bunch of rare candies, pp ups, revival herbs, and some metal coats. I didn't lose any shinies or epics so I think it may have been a glitch when I was transferring all my items from my other account "macncheesy1221". I've changed the password a bunch of times, today I did it again because the game logged me out randomly and I think someone accessed it, so i changed it again today, now I can't log in on both accounts and I'm worried that I won't be able to access it again. Please help, and thank you!
  5. Guys I cannot find house number 5 on love island. Can you tell me where is it? Or , if its even there or not?
  6. Any guilds I can join? I've been searching and can't find anywhere that let's me join one.
  7. When will it be fixed.its been 3 days now.
  8. Heeelp!!, by mistake free my Togepi level 30 with the ID 15315599. please help me get it back. I do not know if this post is here, but Help me
  9. I attempted to reboot my pc, i deleted the game, disabled my antivirus and unpacked the archive again to no avail. nothing seems to really work and yesterday the game worked perfectly, any idea? I attempted to login on the opposite server earlyer (i normally play on gold) instead of making me create a character, it presented the same issue with loading map. edit: correcting typos
  10. Hello everyone, Welcome to Legacy guild, The most important is that we aren't just a guild , we are a family so be cool and Enjoy CLick Here to join our DISCORD SERVER OUR AMBITION We strive to be the best in whatever we do, including --->Be a trustful guild family<--- --->To build a respectful community around the game <--- WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN US Are you one of those people who wants to: 1. Looking for a place to chill and laid back? 2. Searching for a competitive guild? 3. Need a family to chat,help,and guide you in PRO? Search no more! We got everything that you can even dream of. Don't wait anymore! Proceed with reading the rules below if you're interested in joining us. RULES 1. Flaming, racial, toxic, tantrum, or any kind of high provoking activities/behavior will result in a removal/black-listed. 2. SCAMMING regardless of reason is not allowed either. Picking a victim and scamming them is considered as a low class act by an insecured people. 3. Be nice to each and everyone else, be it guild members or Guild Friends. 4. Unnecessary drama within guildmates or bringing drama from other guilds to our guild is not allowed. 5. In case if you have any problems please approach an officer and explain your issue before creating a ruckus on your own GUILD FEATURES What would a great guild be without a nice perks, right? We got tons of benefit such as; ● Guild Bank (You can borrow Pokémons for PvP or Story) ● Dex Service ● 25% Exp Boost + 7% Exp Boost ● Guild-Interaction TOURNEY/EVENT As an active guild, we do have lots of event/tourney planning with most notable including; the standard Hide N Seek event, lucky draw, friendly tourney and much more!!! REQUIREMENTS/HOW TO APPLY Here's what we're looking for: • Being Active in-game and Chat (Discord) • NOT SO TOXIC Interested in joining us? Here's how: 1. Age :- 2. Playtime hours :- 3. Able to use Discord , Most Important :- 4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case you were Kicked, then why?) :- 5. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? :- GUILD PICTURES GOOD LUCK. AND BEST OF WISH FROM THE MANAGEMENT TEAM!!!!
  11. Hi , Thanks in advance for reading this , so a while ago before i fought boss red on Mt.silver peak , i interacted with raikou but i didnt fight it because the game didnt allow me to do it . and a few months later(present time) , i was trying to get all 3 legendary dogs seen data to be able to catch celebi. i got every other dog's seen data but not with raikou. i tried to go back to Mt.Silver to have it , but theres no raikou there. i asked my friends regarding this , and they suggested me to report on this forum. hereby i send you an SS of it , im looking for your assistance about it.. thank you again and have a good day :)
  12. I messed up on my key bindings and cannot reset them to default. How do go about fixing this?
  13. hello! ive just installed pokemon rev. on my pc and it says "cannot connect to server" but i can still connect via android! What should i do? Thank you!
  14. Just coming back after a long break. Started a new character on gold with a friend for fun, bought 200 coins and it all worked fine. Merged my old character to silver just to see what was on it. After that I tried to purchase another 200 coins, and am not receiving them. My friend is having the exact same issue. Just wondering if merging messes with coin purchasing? The coins were purchased on the Gold server.
  15. iwant to change nickname its still available to change nickname now? tyyy
  16. As the question shows, I'm not seeing the option.
  17. I'm new to the game, only have 40+h I have a lot of knowledge about pokemon as is.... I'm cool and I like to help a lot
  18. ¿Quienes somos? Nigtmare es un guild en la cual se caracteriza por estar conformado por integrantes latinos, en la cual la consideramos como una FAMILIA, logrando una buena antigüedad/actividad en el server Yellow. Nightmare fue incrementando su conocimiento, aptitudes en el juego y por sobre todo con una gran humildad, en la cual nos llevo a lograr estar 4 meses consecutivos dentro del TOP GUILD. ¿Como es el guild? Repito lo de arriba somos un guild muy humilde, en la cual nos destacamos por el ambiente de compañerismo que nos generamos entre todos los integrantes. No se admiten faltas de respeto y tampoco el uso de programas externos para así poder lograr sacar una propia ventaja. La actividad es importante para la guild, ya que con ella se logra el compañerismo. Staff Guild Leader: Mattjkun Co-Leader: Soberbia Officers: Camilus21, Lud73, StonRC, DestroyerSoul, AnimalCrew123, Khose. Eventos Siempre se organizan torneos con el fin de mejorar nuestro juego a la hora de ingresar al PVP Ranked. Tambien brindamos ayuda para aquellos que tienen dudas o tienen poco conocimiento a la hora del pvp. ¿Te gustaria ingresar a la guild y saber cuales son sus requisitos? -Ser activo -Ser campeón de Kanto -Idioma: Español Cualquier duda o pregunta, pueden escribirnos en este post.
  19. Looking for a English guild with friendly members :)
  20. Hi i played on the old red servers and went on break for a while when i returned i noticed there was only two servers so when i logged onto gold i noticed all of my pokemon everything gone as well as cosmetics i bought a long time ago i was wondering is there anyway to get these back if possible?
  21. My forum says that I don't have sufficient privileges so as to enable me to post on report center, therefore I say it here (apology). I've come across a player named (in-game) "x", recently, and he had a "Hippowdon" in his party. He has still not completed the Kanto elite 4 and only has 26hrs of gameplay and claims that he caught it from route 214, and he caught its pre-evolution(hippopotas). And, according to the "Reborn" bot on PRO's Discord server, Hippopotas can be caught on route 214 and desert lagoon and Hippowdon can be caught at route 228. both of them being in Sinnoh. So my question is, can we catch a hippopotas in Kanto, or not? Or this guy "x" use a bug to play the game?
  22. My Yellow(Gold) Character was reseted. I am starting from new. But I don't want this. I want my Character from march 18....
  23. This NPC still rebattles me everytime she sees me.
  24. Basically logged into a clean account, i have no money, no pokemon, no mounts, no friends, nothing. What happened to my account? I still have even the leftover Coins from purchasing mounts so some part of the data still exists. Is there a way to get it back? EDIT: someone told me to try merging in case i was in a different server
  25. This problem happened when I was battling a grunt at Mt. Silver. She was blocking a door and while battling her I accidently disconnected and when I again interacted with her she said that I was unable to beat her and she is not giving me another chance...is there a cooldown for it?
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