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BMS bought for 100k was gone after DC


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So guys, I've been really experiencing a lot of dc and this time when i bought BMS from a player (named Cirstoke) and it was a attached to a horsea (I unequipped the BMS and released Horsea that time already) now after i unequipped the bms from the horsea i looked at my items and checked the bms was there after while i was heading back to vermillion while i was at viridian city heading to the next area back to forest i suddenly disconnected and noticed i was back and spawned at pokecenter now (i didn't checked my BMS that time if it was gone) now i didn't care less i went now to vermilion and to vulcan island was about to surf for a froakie and i checked my Item Misc the BMS was gone so i think this is a bug cause i have not activated the BMS now its gone in my bag i was assuming it happend when i got disconnected and spawned at poke center in viridian....any help?

Edited by Stylesh
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