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Wrong move?


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Hi there


The moves of your Raichu have 0 PP, you can no longer use any moves it has. It'll use struggle as that is the only thing your Pokemon can do without any Power Points.

You can use Elixer or Ether to restore your PP.


Hope this helps, and with this said, I wish you a good day!


Kind regards

- Nebulas

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- Nebulas

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Hi there


The moves of your Raichu have 0 PP, you can no longer use any moves it has. It'll use struggle as that is the only thing your Pokemon can do without any Power Points.

You can use Elixer or Ether to restore your PP.


Hope this helps, and with this said, I wish you a good day!


Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team


oh thanks didn't see thought it would say ''no pp left'' or something it does that with some moves

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