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Greetings everyone, my username is RyotaJR.

I'm from the blaze guild since 5 years that leveled up through generations.

One of my favorite pokemons are from the Dragon type which is Charizard X. I'm a great pokemon trainer and been in the top 10 once on a battle simulating site that I can't tell because maybe it's against the rules?

So with that being said, if anyone has troubles to create their own dream team for Pokemon Revolution online's battleground, just let me know.


And last but not least, I speak 4 international languages which are: English, French, Portuguese and spanish. So do not be afraid to talk to me with one of those languages through forum private messages or in game private messages ( if that's not against the rules )


Thank you all and I hope I get along with this great community.

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77444 Welcome to PRO,have a good time and good luck :Shy:



I see you love fairy type pokemons since your profil/signature is showing one of my best fairy type pokemon to use in a 6v6 !

I hope to see you in game.

Wow you guessed it right haha thanks, yea see you in game tho and merry christmas btw :Smile:

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