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Hi there,


I'm Avalon and I just joined.

I kind of stumbled on this and it looked pretty awesome, so I thought why not join!

I haven't actually connected to the server yet, since it says I can't. I'm assuming it's because it says the server is full :)

(If not, I'll peek around the forums and see what I can find).


But, from what I've seen so far it looks amazing. So I can't wait for when I'll be able to connect to the server!

I'm looking forward to playing this game and having a great time.


Feel free to message me if you want to have a chat.

Also, any tips are welcome seeing as I'm new to this game ^-^


Last but not least, Happy Holidays everyone!



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Hi, welcome! :D Yeah, the server is filled up full right now, but I'm sure you'll get in soon x)

It is quite the awesome game =3 If you'd like any help or have questions, feel free to contact me =3 Happy to help! Also, checking around the forum and asking (in-game) in the help chat is a good way to get some answers, too ^^


Happy holidays =3

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