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Hi everyone, welcome to my shop. Take a time to read the rules.


If you need to contact me ig, try out the /pm charmandelaa-=-yourname and should be ok. I'm living in France (UTC+1), and play mostly in the evening.



Few rules, the basics but please read it. :)


-I Accept several coins items -> CC : 270k // MS: 260k // BMS : 120k // SmallMS : 130k

-I keep myslef the right to decline offers on auction mons

-Of course, fake bids will be reported

-I'm open for negociation but just in game not to spam the post

-No need to post for insta price if there's someone who have already bought even if i didn't updated so please take a minute to read the latest thread's posts!

-Pokes may have items on the pics, i won't sell them unless it's specified

-Be polite

-enjoy :c




[spoiler=wishlist]quiet/modest Solosis



[spoiler="[b]UNTRAINED[/b]"]H.P. Fire Magnemites :



magnemite -> 1: SOLD // 2: 80k


Scythers lack of speed or defense :'(


Left top to right bottom ->1: SOLD // 2: SOLD // 3: 80k // 4: SOLD


Ferroseeds :

1: 70k // 2: 90K // 3 : SOLD


Some others:

Chmichar : 50k

budew : 100k

Staryu: 80k

Sneasel : 80k



Timburs ->

1: SOLD // 2 : 50k // 3: 50k


Gibles ->

1: 40k // 2 : 40k // 3: 80k


Clefs ->

1: 40k // 2 : 60k // 3: 50k // 4: SOLD


Hawlucha ->

1: 80k // 2: 100k // 3: 80k


Fossils ->

Tyrunt : 100k // Lileep : 50k


Melting pot :

Meditite : 50k // Tynamo : 50k // Axew : 120k // Drilbur : 80k



Pawniard : 100k // Tympole : 80k // Snorlax : 120k // Slurpuff : 80k


Gastly / Beldum ->

1: 50k // 2: 60k

3: 80k // 4: 80k





[spoiler="[b]TRAINED / PVP READY[/b]"]

Sassy ha Cradily : no insta yet.



Jolly Bisharp : 200k



Naughty Lucario : 120k



Jolly Infernape : 100k



Timid H.A. Serperior (hp ice) : 300k



Jolly Garchomp : 150k


Scizor Ada Tech 150k


31/25 Gengar 120k


Jolly/Chloro Leafeon 200k


Modest Clawitzer 150k


Bold Tenta 150k


Bold ha Hp Fire Venu 400k


Bold Gastrodon 150k






Thanx for having a look, don't hesitat to offer some trade with other pokes/coin item and have a good game ! ;)

Edited by charmandelaa
No pictures of the pokemons bro

Thank you very much, as you said i wasn't able to see any pics except for magnemites. But when editing all pictures were ok, and now it seems to work. I don't know what was wrong. Thanx anyway :c


edit 1 : Well after ctrl R none of the picture works i don't know whats wrong, i'll look into it ~~

edit 2: should be working

Edited by charmandelaa

The pictures works , I'll contact you in game for the ferroseed ( 180k ).


The price you pm'd me seems fair, i'll be log from now to late in night so pm me if you can

I'll contact you ingame for scyther 1 :)

same as Fushin, you can pm me later tonight i should be logged.


My IGN is Charmandelaa btw with two a, be carefull :c

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