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Me, Belzebel and Gatorboy22 branches off to a new guild anyone willing to join us message us in game or message me on discord USAF22#4183 and me with my 4 buddies alone will make 1100 rating we have recruited multiple others but we are striving to be a pvp guild and farming guild every 1st and third week we will be holding Pokémon farming events and 2nd and fourth week pvp tournaments winner will receive half of the money and the other half will go to the guild I plan on bringing a new guild to the top that guild is Dauntless! Gator originally created ascension and immortals to have a good guild I wanted everyone to voice chat farm together and battle together if you don’t have time to be involved in a guild please don’t pm me we are trying to reach the top we will start come next month in pvp with our guild we are currently recruiting if you want more information please message me or Gatorboy22!

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