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The Amigos PU and "Alphabet Theme" Dual Showdown Tournament for Gold and Silver Players!




Tournament Rules:

1. Tournament will be gen 7 OU format

2. Each team must follow the alphabet theme.

3. Every team must choose a "letter" as their theme for example "S"

4. Every Poke in your team must begin with that letter for example "skarmory" "serperior"

5. You must use the same letter throughout the tournament

6. You may use your 6 Pokémon in addition you may have 2 substitute Pokémon these must be submitted at the conclusion of your first match (6 starters + 2 subs)

7. You may edit your team however you wish prior to each match including held items and move sets

8. Typical gen 7 OU format rules (1 Mega poke, etc..)

9. Any Poke/Move currently not in PRO will be allowed for this tournament.

10. Some letters will be grouped together to provide more variety of teams, here are the list


A = 34 + E = 21 = Total 55 pokemon choices

B = 45 + J = 8 = Total 53 pokemon choices

C = 63 = Total 63 pokemon choices

D = 46 + I = 6 = Total 52 pokemon choices

F = 27 + H = 30 = Total 57 pokemon choices

G = 51 = Total 51 pokemon choices

K = 26 + L = 38 = Total 64 pokemon choices

M = 67 = Total 67pokemon choices

N = 19 + O = 8 + Q = 4 + R = 28 = Total 59 pokemon choices

P = 55 = Total 55 pokemon choices

S = 112 = Total 112 pokemon choices

T = 49 + U = 5 + Y = 5 = Total 59 pokemon choices

V = 22 + W = 25 +X = 3 + Z = 11 = Total 61 pokemon choices


so for example, if you pick letter W you are allow to pick Pokemons that start with W and as well as Pokemons that start with V, X, and Z


and for the PU , It's just a simple PU Showdown Format.

The Tournament is about PU and "Alphabet Theme" formats.

you will play on both tours automatically but can choice to forfeit any of them that you don't want to even try it


The same opponent of PU will also be the same opponent on Alphabet Theme (just at round 1)


☆As always in our tours, anything not legal/coded in PRO is allowed


☆You can choice to have Best of 1 or Best of 3 with your opponent


☆5 days time limit on each match to allow plenty of time to battle for players with busy lifes


☆The Tournament starts at , please try to sign up as soon as possible on our Discord channel named #Tournament_Sign_Ups


☆Join Link ---> https://discord.gg/ZXpMJFf




The tour Starts September 19


☆☆☆Prize Pool☆☆☆


$15 for 1st place or 3 Coin Capsules and

1 Small MS or Black MS for 2nd place


If you are unable to take CC, The money is paid on Paypal. or paid by us buying you something on Ebay, etc and have it shipped at your Home Adress


☆Who will win 1st and who will win 2nd? well who ever Reach 1st place on the PU brackets and 1st place on the Alphabet Theme brackets will battle each others, and who ever wins will win 1st place prize, the loser takes 2nd place prize.


both will be in our Hall of fame for being 1st place on the brackets. If the same player reach 1st place on both tours, then 2nd place of PU and Alphabet Theme will fight, who ever wins will be the one who battles for the chance to win 1st or 2nd place reward.






we are also hosting various fun discord games with interesting prizes! come check it out , the information for all of them are on our Discord Server, Prizes on each game





We hope to see you there!


-Xavier OP

Amigos Lead


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