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[Moves] Two-turn charge attacks do not begin charging during the opponent's semi-invulnerable turns

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Amongst other moves, if the user uses Solar Beam while the opponent is in the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly, Solar Beam will not begin charging. The player will be able to choose a different option on the next turn.


Prerequisites (for testing):

- Two players.

- Player A has a Pokemon with Solar Beam.

- Player B has a faster Pokemon with Fly.


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Both players fight each other.

2. Player B uses Fly.

3. Player A uses Solar Beam on the same turn.


Current Result:

Player A's Pokémon does not begin charging, and any other option can be chosen on the next turn.


Expected Result:

Player A's Pokémon begins charging and attacks after Player B's Fly attack.



- For Player A, the issue will occur when using Solar Beam, Skull Bash or Sky Attack. It won't occur with Fly, Dive, Bounce and Dig. Other moves, such as Freeze Shock, are untested.

- In particular, Skull Bash will also not raise the Pokemon's Defense.

- For Player B, the issue will occur when using Fly, Dive, Bounce or Dig. Shadow Force and Phantom Force are untested.

- The issue occurs regardless of if player A's Pokemon moves before or after Player B's Pokemon, as long as it's used during the semi-invulnerable turn.


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