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When using moves such as Wrap and Bind, the amount of turns the binding lasts is one less turn than in the original games. Namely, they last 3-4 turns in PRO instead of 4-5, and if the Pokemon is holding a Grip Claw, it lasts 6 turns instead of 7 turns.


Prerequisites (for testing):

- The user has a Pokemon that knows Bind.

- The Pokemon is equipped a Grip Claw (for turn stability).


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Fight any Pokemon that will not take more than 20% damage from Bind.

2. Use Bind on the Pokemon.

3. Survive for 7 turns without attacking the other pokemon.


Current Result:

The opposing Pokemon takes Bind damage 6 times, then is released on the 7th turn.


Expected Result:

The opposing Pokemon takes Bind damage 7 times, then is released on the 8th turn.



- This issue was tested for Bind, Whirlpool and Clamp. It is assumed to be the same for all other Binding moves.

- The exact number of turns Bind lasts was tested on Showdown, and has been confirmed that by "lasting 4-5 turns", it means it should take 4-5 Binding damage before being released.


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