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In the original games, if the target has used Minimize, Stomp will bypass the accuracy to always hit as well as dealing double damage. That special interraction is not working in PRO.


Prerequisites (For testing):

- Two Players

- Player A has a Rapidash with Stomp.

- Player B has a Muk of the same level with Minimize.


Steps to Reproduce:

- Both players fight each other.

- Player A uses Stomp on Player B's Muk.

- Player B uses Minimize a few times.

- Player A uses Stomp on Player B's Muk again.


Current Result:

Stomp is able to miss. Furthermore, when it hits, it deals the same damage as before Muk used Minimize.


Expected Result:

Stomp is unable to miss and deals double damage after Muk uses Minimize.


Additional information:

I thought that it was only Stomp that interracted like that against Minimize, but looking into Bulbapedia, it seems there's quite the number of moves that should also ignore accuracy and deal double damage, and that list has been changing a lot through the generations. For Generation 7:

Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Steamroller, Heavy Slam, Malicious Moonsault.


This issue has been confirmed to also occur with Body Slam, and is assumed to also occur for all other moves.


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